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Tuition Fairness Website

The tuition fairness campaign website is an easy-to-use hub to inform, persuade, and engage. In the first module, the issue is briefly explained. The scholars’ stories are showcased to add credibility and create an emotional connection with the user, and lastly, the clear call-to-action to encourage users to join the movement. The orange color represents that the campaign takes place in Florida. The illustrations portray a friendly aesthetic focusing on the students’ life rather than politics.
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Thought Process
The first module introduces the problem to educate the user and provide the background required to understand the goal.
The second adds social proof to increase the reliability and impact of the campaign.
Towards the end of the homepage page, the call-to-action module encourages the participation of users.
Lastly, the footer is optimized for easy navigation in both desktop and mobile views.

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